My first choice for a kebab on the weekend. They have very tasty and high quality products. I especially appreciate their service.

A business where I can always supply when I want dry aged meat and where I always find stability, especially when it comes to quality. I highly recommend it.

A butcher where I always find quality products and make me very happy with the cash-on-delivery system. I get the same quality in almost every purchase.

It is a butcher shop that I prefer for my monthly shopping. Home delivery and payment at the door is available which is so nice to have. I would like to say that I am very pleased with the quality of the meat.

My first choice for a kebab on the weekend. They have very tasty and high quality products. I especially appreciate their service.

Erşen K.

A business where I can always supply when I want dry aged meat and where I always find stability, especially when it comes to quality. I highly recommend it.

Asım G.

A butcher where I always find quality products and make me very happy with the cash-on-delivery system. I get the same quality in almost every purchase.

Mustafa B.

It is a butcher shop that I prefer for my monthly shopping. Home delivery and payment at the door is available which is so nice to have. I would like to say that I am very pleased with the quality of the meat.

Tevfik B.